Wednesday, July 13, 2005

What It Is

teleos is the intelligence of nature

logos is the program or logic by which teleos manifests itself

I've been studying the interaction between DNA and the environment for some time. There are some things that happen which I feel Darwinnian Evolution is too simplistic to explain.

For instance: the bait crab and the bait fish, both of which grow baitfishes which allow them to catch prey which attack their bait. The Caddis Fly Larvae which spins a net underwater, a net whose size & holes & weave vary according to their environment. These nets catch algae and bacteria and extremely small fish, chameleons, George Bush & Tony could natural selection, intelligent design, or creationism explain this weirdness....none of these theories really suit my perception of an intelligent interface between organism and environment.

Why do I care? I feel the intelligence that moves thru the conversation between organism & environment must also inform our lives in the moment. To catch that moment is the goal.

There's a zen koan about a man running from a tiger who falls over a cliff, grabs a tree, looks down at the gorge below, looks up at the tiger above, sees a flower by the tree, grabs it, looks at it and says, "AH!"

A friend said he still hasn't found that flower.

I said it's the moment of consciousness

there's a connection there

which we shall get to know better


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